BC Performing Arts Announces the Seventh Annual Panorama Creative Music Summit

Monday, September 18, 2023
Bakersfield College’s Performing Arts Department has announced details for the 7th Annual Panorama Creative Music Summit in the Edward Simonsen Performing Arts Center, presented by the Jazz Studies program. This year’s Summit begins Monday, September 18th with a series of student workshops, culminating on Thursday, September 21st with a free public concert. Those interested in attending can find more information at BCJazz.org.
“This year’s summit brings master percussionist Tatsuya Nakatani to present an expanded new iteration of his Nakatani Gong Orchestra. Tatsuya is one of the busiest and most unique musicians on the planet, and his performances are always profoundly transformational experiences. He will be working with student musicians in hands-on workshops throughout the week to prepare for this performance” says BC Professor and Director of Jazz Studies Kris Tiner. “We are also excited to bring together music students from the jazz, instrumental, and choral programs to play “In C”, a pivotal piece in modern music and one that seamlessly combines classical, jazz, and world music traditions to create something quite thrilling and entirely new. ”
Presented by the Performing Arts Department at Bakersfield College, the annual Panorama Creative Music Summit is a showcase for new and original music by visiting artists, local performers, and BC faculty, students, and alumni. The seventh annual summit will include a free public concert in the Simonsen Performing Arts Center on September 21 at 7 PM, as visiting artist Tatsuya Nakatani directs students in a performance of his 16-piece Nakatani Gong Orchestra, and Prof. James Sproul leads an orchestra of students and faculty for a rare performance of composer Terry Riley’s minimalist masterpiece “In C”.
Admission to the public concert on September 21st is free. More information is available at BCJazz.org.