Early College Convening

Wednesday, August 09, 2023
The Bakersfield College Early College team hosted our 4th annual Early College Convening on August 2nd, 2023 and it was a momentous day in setting forth our collective vision for the 2023-2024 school year. BC Deans, chairs, mentors, instructors, counselors, and administrators from all over Kern County all came together to share ideas and thoughts on how we can all continue to make BC Early College the largest and most impactful Early College program in the state of CA. Our team left the event motivated as ever to do everything we can to continue growing and improving Early College in Kern County.

We had over 125 people in attendance who represented all pieces of what makes our Early College efforts so successful and impactful. A special THANK YOU to our deans, chairs, faculty mentors, and BC administrators that hosted breakout sessions. YOU made this event possible and so valuable for our attendees.

Our team is looking forward to our continued partnerships with our high schools and community with the shared passion and determination to serve our students. We continue to focus on the areas to improve each year, making these convenings an imperative opportunity to have open dialogue about ways to better our program.
Lastly, we said a final farewell to our wonderful director of 5 years, Kylie Campbell. Her work ethic, dedication, and impact on this program will undoubtedly be remembered for years to come. Our best wishes as she embarks on a new chapter as Associate Dean of Dual Enrollment for Mt. San Antonio College.