CAPK Graduation

capk graduates under balloon arch

On Friday, May 19th, Bakersfield College in collaboration with CAPK (Community Action Partnership of Kern) celebrated the first cohort of graduates who completed the BC Applied Leadership Program in the BC Fireside Room. 17 CAPK administrators and leaders on every level committed themselves to the rigorous and innovative program born from our very own Dr. Maria Wright, former Senator Dr, Jean Fuller.

The Applied Leadership Certificate of Completion is offered through the Bakersfield College Education department and is considered noncredit. It provides learners an opportunity to explore introductory theoretical and practitioner-based approaches to leadership in complex organizational settings. Topics explored through the program include concepts of leadership, historical contexts of leadership, innovation and change, educational technology, management and communication, and the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizational leadership.

This will be the first of many cohorts to come, thanks to our internal and external partners!

capk graduates
jean fuller