The New Student Registration Process & What You Need to Know - Banner 9

Friday, February 25, 2022
InsideBC's MyBanWeb is transitioning from Banner Version 8 to Banner Version 9 Self Service. This upgrade will deliver a fresh user experience with a modern look and feel. Features include increased efficiencies, new tools, and improved capabilities. This upgrade will impact everyone at the College.
The upgrade will launch on Monday, March 7th, 2022. When registering for classes, you will notice changes to the registration process, but there are lots of resources available to help you understand how to use it.
The new process is more streamlined and user-friendly. Things are set up a little different and you should familiarize yourself with the new format prior to registration. The new process has updated intuitive registration tools and a mobile-friendly design that will show the registration impact on your class schedule, making it easier than ever for you, advisors and administrators to use.
Training resources will be posted beginning Friday, February 25, 2022. Check the "How To" Library for video tutorials as we add more during the week. The Help Desk will be prepared to assist with any questions.