BC holds first mass drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination clinic

To further increase vaccine distribution throughout the community, Bakersfield College collaborated with community groups such as the Central Labor Council to hold the first mass drive through clinic at the BC campus (1801 Panorama Dr.) on Sunday, March 21, 2021 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM to distribute an allocation of 1,000 Johnson and Johnson Janssen vaccines. The clinic operated by appointments only.
A press conference was held right before the clinic opened. Press and media were invited to hear from a lineup of speakers including:
- Assemblymember Rudy Salas
- Supervisor Leticia Perez, District 5
- Dr. Sonya Christian, President of Bakersfield College
- Imelda Ceja-Butkiewicz, President, Kern Inyo Mono Central Labor Council
- David Torres, Chair, the Centric Foundation
- Jay Tami, Kern County Latino COVID-19 Task Force
Bakersfield College has partnered with the Kern Inyo Mono Central Labor Council, the Kern County Latino COVID-19 Task Force, and the Centric Foundation to make this opportunity available for any individuals who are eligible in the open phases and tiers of Kern County Public Health’s Vaccine Schedule.
“I am thrilled that we are able to secure another vaccination site here at Bakersfield College,” said Assemblymember Salas. “Relief continues to flow into our communities with thousands of new doses coming to the Central Valley. We are continuing to work hard to open more vaccination sites and highly encourage people to follow the science and get vaccinated so that we can protect our loved ones and neighbors.”
Nursing students from the college have volunteered to administer vaccines for the mass drive-through clinic and partners such as the Kern County Latino COVID-19 Task Force are supplying PPE and other operational support.
“The COVID-19 vaccine is an effective way we can keep our workforce healthy and so we’re pleased to be able to make the one-shot Johnson and Johnson Jannsen vaccine available for workers," said Imelda Ceja-Butkiewicz, President of the Kern Inyo Mono Central Labor Council. “We could not be more thankful for the allocation of 1,000 shots provided by the Governor and Bakersfield College for stepping up to ensure a smooth, convenient, and efficient administration process. It has been so rewarding to work with and see the college, students, and community come together to ensure we can all return to work, school, and our normal lives in a way which keeps us and our families healthy and safe.”