Panorama Creative Music Summit 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020
Presented by the Jazz Studies and Commercial Music programs at Bakersfield College, the Panorama Creative Music Summit is an annual showcase for acclaimed musicians, local performers, and BC faculty, students, and alumni performing original music and exploring a range of styles and creative approaches across the jazz-pop continuum.
Ordinarily the summit takes over our beloved Simonsen Performing Arts Center for a weeklong series of workshops and live concerts. This year, thanks to support from the Lydia Jennings Finlinson and Burns L. Finlinson Endowment of the Bakersfield College Foundation, we are transitioning to an online format that will feature weekly live sessions with guest artists.
Each artist will give a 20-30 minute solo performance followed by an artist talk and Q&A with students. These sessions will be held on Zoom and broadcast free to the public via Facebook Live on the Bakersfield College Jazz Studies Facebook page. Depending on the topic, students may be selected to perform or submit their work for artist feedback during the session. Sessions will occur on Monday or Wednesday afternoons throughout the fall semester.
Singer-songwriter and former American Idol finalist. - SEP 9 • 4:30 PM • CHARLIE ZANNE BAND
Local Folk-Americana duo with BC alumna Amanda McCaslin. - SEP 21 • 2:30 PM • BENNIE MAUPIN
Legendary jazz saxophonist with Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock. - SEP 30 • 4:30 PM • GARY RINK
Local bassist and manager of Bakersfield Sound Co. - OCT 5 • 4:30 PM • DAVE BAZAN
Indie rock singer-songwriter with Pedro the Lion. - OCT 14 • 2:30 PM • RONALD RAMIREZ
Local producer and owner of Going Underground Records. - OCT 21 • 4:30 PM • THE APPLETONS
Country/blues duo keeping the Bakersfield Sound alive. - OCT 28 • 2:30 PM • MARY OSBORNE AT 100
Susan Scaffidi presents on the pioneering jazz guitarist. - NOV 4 • 4:30 PM • HEIDI TREFETHEN
French hornist, producer, and sought-after sound engineer. - NOV 18 • 4:30 PM • SCOTTY BARNHART
Jazz trumpeter and Director of the Count Basie Orchestra. - NOV 25 • 4:30 PM • NATE WOOD
Phenomenal multi-instrumentalist with Kneebody, The Calling. - DEC 2 • 2:30 PM • JAMAALADEEN TACUMA
Virtuoso bassist from Ornette Coleman's Prime Time.