Amazon Day - A Great Success!

Thursday, June 25, 2020
Bakersfield College collaborative event with Amazon - Amazon Day - was a success! Eduardo Guzman and Talia St.Angelo, both Staffing Coordinator for Amazon, shared valuable information with our students and community. Participants received firsthand information regarding how to apply within Bakersfield's new Amazon Warehouse.
Amazon Day was organized by Freddie Rodriguez and Carlos Medina, both Job Developers at Bakersfield College, and much supported by Stephanie Baltazar and Anthony Cordova, the leadership team of Career Education.
A total of 5,753 registered for the Amazon Day series, and of those registered attendees, 777 showed interest in apply for certificate and degree programs at BC. Amazon Day helped our students and community become well informed on the ways to gain employment with Amazon and should refer to these websites for more information:
- Non-entry level roles at Amazon
- Text Alerts for new jobs by texting BAKONOW to 77088
Amazon expects to fill over 3,000 jobs by the end of this summer, and everyone who joined the session got a head start.