Bakersfield College Awarded Jobs Corps Scholars Funding, Providing At-Risk Youth With Job Skills, Education, and Employment Counseling

Thursday, June 4, 2020
Bakersfield College has been named as one of twenty recipients to receive part of the $24 million Job Corps Scholars Program funding, provided by the U.S. Department of Labor. This national program serves Job Corps eligible youth by providing free tuition for their first year in the Job Corps Scholars program, career technical training, and intensive personal and career counseling services towards program completion.
“Bakersfield College is always seeking new ways to support our students and community during these challenging times,” said Dr. Sonya Christian, President of Bakersfield College. “With 40 million Americans out of work and the country facing a long economic recovery, it is more crucial than ever to provide support to at-risk youth and guide them to success in the workforce.”
The $1,186,900 fund will be used to develop career education, counseling services and workplace opportunities for a cohort of 80 student participants. Bakersfield College has assembled a comprehensive team to advise students on the best training pathway to reach their career and academic goals. The team will develop individualized support programs for each participant, assist them with their job search efforts and help them secure resources they need to succeed in the workforce.
“This is just the kind of boost that students deserve in our community,” said Anthony Cordova, Director of Career Education at Bakersfield College. “Under the leadership of President Sonya Christian, BC has grown its career education offerings in an accessible and affordable way. Through partnering with local industry, we're ensuring Renegades are learning the right skills for career opportunities and on a path towards guaranteed gainful employment. With the support and contributions from programs like the Job Corps Scholars, Renegades are engaging with their futures and reaching their educational dreams.”
Participants will be recruited through resource fairs, career expos, community events and referrals from community partners. Community partners include Kern High School District, Wasco Union High School District, Delano Joint Union High School District, McFarland Unified School District, social service agencies including those that serve foster care and homeless youth, non-profit organizations, communities, general public, youth programs, employers, other employment and training programs, vocational rehabilitation agencies, and businesses.
The Job Corps Scholars Program is conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor to address skill gaps and job vacancies brought on by a jobs training crisis. Founded in 1964, the Job Corps program helps disadvantaged youth from 16 to 24 with the necessary training and education to put them on the path to meaningful careers. Approximately 60,000 youth nationwide are served by the program currently, with 120 Job Corps centers operating throughout the country.
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