Tribute to Gandhi Essay Contest

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
The Gandhi Celebration Committee (GCC) and the Ravi and Naina Patel Foundation invites all college students in Kern County to submit their original essay on the following quote:
"Satyagraha: Truth is the Goal, Nonviolence is the Way"
Mahatma Gandhi
How to Enter
Write a personal essay, in approximately 750 words, that explains what you think Gandhi meant by the quote: "An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind." Discuss how you think the method of Satyagraha could be applied for solving the problems the world is facing today. Describe examples of what you have done or what you could do to make the world a better place, following Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence.
Submission Deadline
Submit your essay by May 30, 2019.
How to Submit
Email a PDF of your essay to:
Sumbission Date is past.
Congratulations to:
- 1st Prize Winner ($1, 000) — Adam Blazer
- 2nd Place ($200 each) — Delia C. Aceves and Mary King
For more details, visit the Tribute to Gandhi Facebook Page or #TributeToGandhi on Instagram.