Justin Flint
Department Chair, Applied Science & Technology; Professor, Automotive Technology

- A.A., A.S. Reedley College
- B.S., M.S., California State University Fresno
About Justin
Justin Flint is an ASE Certified Master Technician and a BAR Certified Instructor. He has worked professionally for independent repair shops since 2002 and was employed as a full-time teacher at Bakersfield College in 2013. Mr. Flint holds California State Bureau of Automotive Repair Smog Inspector, Repair, Brake, and Lamp licenses. He specializes in electrical, engine performance and smog inspection and repair. Mr. Flint teaches automotive fundamentals, gas and diesel engine performance, and the smog program at Bakersfield College.
I want my students to know that I am thrilled to have the opportunity to pass on my knowledge to the next generation of technicians. I know that what goes on in my classroom has an impact on my students’ lives as they learn a trade that enables them to provide for themselves and/or their family. The skills you learn in the automotive trade are transferable anywhere in the country and they are in high demand. I truly love what I do.