Brandon Hall

Associate Professor, Business


Brandon Hall is a seasoned business professor with eight years of dedicated experience shaping the minds of future business leaders. Holding a Master of Science in Leadership from Trident University International and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Fresno Pacific University, Professor Hall’s passion for education and entrepreneurship shines through his dynamic teaching style and innovative approach to student engagement and curriculum development.

With expertise in various areas of business management, including entrepreneurship, organic farming, and strategic planning, Professor Hall has consistently inspired his students to think critically and creatively about complex business challenges. His commitment to fostering a collaborative learning environment has earned him praise from both students and colleagues alike.

Beyond the classroom, Professor Hall is a thriving entrepreneur, owning and operating two successful businesses in the local community. His firsthand experience in the business world enriches his teaching by providing real-world examples and insights that resonate with his students.

Professor Hall’s dedication to academia and entrepreneurship exemplifies his multifaceted approach to business education. Through his teaching, research, and entrepreneurial endeavors, he continues to make a significant impact on the next generation of business professionals.