Foster and Kinship Care Education Program

The Foster and Kinship Care Education Program offers a variety of training sessions that will assist the resource parent to be informed and well prepared in caring for the children in care.
We serve all of Kern County and all trainings are FREE of charge.
Getting Started
Where to Start to Become a Resource (Foster/Adoptive) Parent
You can view an online presentation explaining the requirements to becoming a Resource
Family. The presentation is available in English and Spanish. After viewing the orientation,
you will be given information to take the next step to becoming a Resource Family.
KCDHS Foster Family Resources
In-person orientations are offered the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM (only the 2nd Thursday in November and December). Spanish Resource Parent orientation is the 3rd Thursday of the month from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM For more information on becoming a Resource Parent please call (661) 631-6204.
About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the Foster and Kinship Care Education Program is to provide quality education and support opportunities to caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth in the foster care system.
About our Program
The Foster and Kinship Care Education Program is administered through the Community College Chancellor's Office. This program assists foster care providers, relative/kinship care providers and non-relative extended family members in learning essential skills for parenting the troubled and at-risk children in their care. The Foster and Kinship Care Education Program provides quality education and support opportunities to caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth. The Foster and Kinship Care Education Program is a statewide program that includes an assessment of education needs, the development and provision of specialized instruction, educational support services, and jointly organized outreach efforts to the foster care parent population. This program is a partnership with the Chancellor's Office, The California Department of Social Services, the California State Foster Parent Association, California Community Colleges, County Social Services, foster parents, and public and private agencies who work together to plan and deliver a statewide program of community college training.
The Kern County Department of Human Services sends the foster parents to BC for in-service training to meet their mandated 8 hours required to maintain placements in their home. Relative/kinship caregivers and non-relative extended family members are encouraged to attend these trainings. Workshops are offered in Bakersfield and outlying areas. Various professional experts throughout Kern County are recruited to facilitate these specialized trainings along with BC Child Development instructors.
The BC Foster and Kinship Care Education Program collaborates with Kern County Department of Human Services and the Kern County Foster Parent Association to serve caregivers throughout Kern County. This program meets BC's vision, mission and goals.
Bakersfield College provides free specialized training on child and youth related issues. A combined eight hours of training fulfills Kern County Department of Human Services mandated eight hours of Foster Parent training required per year for placements in your home. A Bakersfield College certificate verifying the training hours is provided to each participant at the end of each training session and the hours are also reported to the Kern County Department of Human Services.
Becoming a Resource Family
The first step to becoming a Resource Family is attending orientation In Kern County, Resource Family Orientations are held:
- English: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month (except November and December when the 4th Thursday is canceled due to the holidays)
- Spanish: 3rd Thursday of each month.
During these orientation meetings, staff will talk to you about foster care, public adoptions, and answer your questions. For more information or to reserve a space in our next orientation, please call (661)-631-6204 or e-mail Orientations are held between 5:30 and 8:30 PM
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the requirements to become a Resource Parent?
Families who wish to foster children not related to them must go through a state regulated licensing process administered by Human Services and regulated by California Code of Regulations and the California Health and Safety Codes.
For more information, visit the Kern County Foster Family Licensing page.
What training hours are required to become a Resource Family?
A 12-hour pre-service training called RFA Training for English and Spanish Speakers is required. Call (661) 395-4991 to register.
Who can come to the classes offered by Bakersfield College's FKCE program?
- Prospective Foster/Adoptive (Resource) parents
- Licensed County Foster/Adoptive Parents
- Foster Family Agency Foster Parents and Staff
- Kinship Caregivers, Legal Guardians (whether formal or informal)
- Social workers and other professionals who work with Foster/Adoptive Parents
- Respite caregivers who will be serving foster/adoptive parents
Is there a fee for these trainings?
RFA Trainings are provided to applicants at no cost by the State of California and the federal government.
Does the FKCE program offer online courses?
Trainings are currently being held virtually through Zoom. Visit the FKCE Training Schedules page to find a training, then register for a FKCE Training session and you'll hear a response from an FKCE representative with more information about your training.
Can children come to the training dates?
In general, no one under 18 years of age can attend the trainings due to lack of childcare. We offer specialized trainings throughout the year where children are invited to attend with their caregiver.