Community Event Requests

Who can rent our facilities?
Authorized public agencies and nonprofit organizations for cultural, educational, or recreational activities may apply to rent our facilities. Proof of nonprofit status may be required.
Commercial, for-profit organizations, and other applicants not recognized as nonprofit by law will be charged Group II rates (rental charge, and actual costs, plus excess costs). Space availability for external groups is limited. College and District staff are also authorized to negotiate with these applicants’ agreements that have Group II rates as a minimum and allow for a percentage of gross revenue.
External Non-Affiliated Events
All external non-affiliated event promotional materials must list the outside agency as the organizer, promoter, presenter, facilitator, and point of contact for all inquiries. No use of BC branding, logo, or color schemes are permissible.
No BC resources will be provided to external agencies including any marketing or promotional needs. Suggested terminology regarding the Bakersfield College campus:
[Event Title] will be located at Bakersfield College’s [Identify the Campus] campus in [building name].
Note: Prior to event approval, all marketing items must be approved by the Marketing and Public Relations Office.
Additional Information
Insurance Requirements
Unless otherwise specifically agreed to in writing in advance of execution of the agreement, the contractor agrees to obtain, pay for and maintain in effect during the term of the agreement and/or date(s) of service(s), the following policies of insurance issued by an insurance company rated not less than “A-VI” in A.M. Best’s Insurance Rating Guide. The certificate must list KCCD, 2100 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301, as additional insured and must be accompanied by an endorsement.
Alcohol Insurance Requirements
All requests for alcohol to be served on campus must be approved by campus personnel before proceeding with permit process.
- $5 million General Liability insurance including personal & adv. injury liability, general aggregate
- $3 million Liquor Liability insurance, each common cause, and aggregate
Daily Parking Fees
The parking fees for the Kern Community College District campuses are as follows:
- Fall/Spring semester standard student
- day pass $5
- semester pass $44
- Summer semester standard student
- Semester $34
- Any term students receiving Financial Aid
- Semester $34
Additional equipment
The facilities coordinator will determine if additional equipment, such as tables, chairs, etc., will require ordering from an outside company.
The applicant utilizing District/College facilities will be liable for any damage to or destruction of District property beyond that which is caused by ordinary wear and tear as determined by the District. In addition, future consideration for use of facilities may be denied.
A damage deposit may be required by an applicant that carries equipment, brings a stage crew for purposes of staging a show or presentation or activity, or other cases determined by the District/College. This guaranteed deposit, in an amount to be determined by the District/College and depending upon the facility used, shall be held by the College. Damage to District/College equipment and/or property, which occurs during the event and by reason of the use and/or occupancy of the premises, shall be paid from this damage deposit. The balance, if any, shall be returned to the organization. If the guaranteed deposit is not sufficient to cover damage, the applicant shall be liable for the difference.
Bakersfield College (College) and Kern Community College District (District) reserve the right to deny any application or revoke any agreement at any time if actions resulting from such application or permission may be harmful to the best interest of the District/College or if there is a conflict with any previously scheduled event. The District/College, at its discretion, has the right to cancel and terminate an agreement immediately and without notice upon its discovery of a violation of any term, condition, or provision of the agreement on the part of the applicant. Should any such violation occur, the District/College, at its discretion, shall have the right to deny any future requests by the applicant for the use of any other District/College property or facilities.
The Chancellor, College President, or designee reserves the right to deny use if, in its judgment, such use would cause disturbance in or annoyance to the surrounding neighborhood.
Report Any Changes
Changes sometimes occur throughout the planning and preparation process. If you require any changes, please contact the BC Scheduling & Events Office (661) 395-4511 or email
Follow up with the Marketing and Public Relations Office or other departments as needed to notify of any changes.
Read the full Event Guidelines and Marketing Procedure.