
Traffic and parking regulations shall be enforced at all times. Parking permits are required to park in Bakersfield College parking lots, at all times.
Benefits To Parking On Campus
College Safety works very hard to keep our campus community safe. Here are a few reasons we recommend parking on campus.
- Parking on campus is safer than parking your vehicle in the surrounding neighborhoods, as College Safety Officers continuously patrol our parking lots.
- Vehicle burglaries on campus are lower compared to the rest of Bakersfield.
- College Safety offers an escort service from the campus parking lots.
- Our parking lots are closer to the core of campus than neighboring streets.
- The cost of a $30 permit is lower than the cost of one parking citation.
Bakersfield College encourages you to carpool and ride-share to get to campus. See our Transportation page for more information about alternate transportation options.
Pick-Up & Drop-Off Zones
The main Panorama campus has designated Pick-Up & Drop-Off zones in three locations. These areas are designated for loading and unloading, only. Pickup/Drop-off areas are 15-minute timed zones.
Designated areas are:
- Admin Way (along the Haley Street entrance), from the entrance to the stop sign. (The circle in front of the Administration Building is a red zone, NOT a Pick-Up & Drop-Off zone.)
- The circular area directly in front of the Outdoor Theater, to the east of P3.
- Red & White Way (entrance from Mt. Vernon Avenue, across from Valley Strong Credit Union), from the entrance to the circle. (Vehicles are not allowed to park within the circle.)
Parking Permits
Parking permits are available to purchase.
Please have your BC ID number and vehicle information (year, make, model, color, license plate number, etc) ready to order your permit.
To order a parking permit, students must have already completed an Update Form for the semester they are planning to use the permit. Permanent & Temporary Staff must be cleared for employment by Human Resources to obtain a permit.
Bakersfield College parking permits are for the use of the assigned driver only. The assigned driver is responsible for all violations involving this permit, agrees to follow our Parking Rules & Regulations, understands that the parking permit remains the property of Bakersfield College, and agrees to present this permit at the request of any College Safety Officer.
Parking permits are non-refundable and non-transferable. Parking on campus is first come, first served. A parking permit does not guarantee a parking space on campus. Theft, unauthorized use, or reproduction of this permit is subject to administrative disciplinary action.
You must park according to posted parking signs, marked zones (like red fire lanes, etc.), these instructions, and the California Vehicle Code. Violators may receive citations.
See our campus map with parking lot locations.
Permit Placement
The permit must be attached to the vehicle's rear view mirror or placed on the vehicle's driver's side dash. The parking permit must be visible for inspection from outside the vehicle. The permit should not be in an area of window tinting or obstructed from full view, in any way. Parking permits are not valid unless displayed on the vehicle properly during the time the vehicle is parked on campus.
Student parking permits are required each semester to park in any student lot at any Bakersfield College campus. On the main Panorama campus, these include P3, P7, and P8.
Student Permit Costs
Fall or Spring Student: $40
Add 2.75% processing fee for all debit and credit card transactions.
Summer Student: $30
Add 2.75% processing fee for all debit and credit card transactions.
Financial Aid Student: $30
Add 2.75% processing fee for all debit and credit card transactions.
Students are allowed to purchase one parking permit per term. In the case of a lost or stolen permit, the student should notify College Safety, as soon as possible. The student will then have the option to purchase a replacement permit at the original price. The original lost or stolen permit will be revoked and the newly purchased permit will be reassigned. Students will be required to come into the College Safety office and speak with office staff to fulfill this request. Permits are not to be shared with other persons.
Students may also obtain a Guest Permit for $5 (plus 2.75% processing fee for all debit and credit card transactions). Order at our parking permit website by clicking Daily Permits. This pass will allow access to park in any student lot only.
Staff parking permits are required to park in any staff parking lot at any Bakersfield College campus. On the main Panorama campus, these include P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P9, P11, P12, and P15.
Temporary staff (adjunct faculty, employees on a Temporary Employment Agreement, etc.) are allowed a maximum of one parking permit valid through the duration of the term. Temporary staff must request a new permit each term. Permanent staff (full time faculty, classified employees, managers and administrators) are allowed a maximum of two parking permits valid through the duration of employment.
In the case of a lost or stolen permit, staff members should notify College Safety, as soon as possible. The staff member have the option to obtain a replacement permit (up to the maximum number allowed). The original lost or stolen permit will be revoked, a new permit will be reassigned. The staff member will be required to come into the College Safety office and speak with office staff to fulfill this request. Permits are not to be shared with other persons.
Staff may also obtain a Day Pass parking permit for $5 (plus 2.75% processing fee for all debit and credit card transactions). Order at our parking permit website by clicking Daily Permits. This pass will allow access to park in any student lot only.
KCCD Vehicles
There are two parking stalls on campus that are reserved for KCCD Vehicles Only. These stalls are located in P14 and P1 and are marked with signs that state "Reserved KCCD Vehicles Only". Vehicles parked in these spaces will be required to display their KCCD parking permit. Any other vehicles parked in these spaces not properly permitted will be cited.
Visitors & Other Groups
Visitor Parking
At any Bakersfield College campus, visitor parking is timed at 45 minutes and does not require a parking permit. Visitor parking is available for visitors and guests, only. Bakersfield College staff and students shall not park in designated visitor parking areas.
On the main Panorama campus, visitor parking lots include P1 and the parking stalls off the Haley Street entrance road (Admin Way) leading to the Welcome Center.
Visitors may also obtain a day-pass parking permit for $5 at any of our parking dispensers, labeled as "PPD" on our campus map. This pass will allow visitors to park in any student lot for the day issued only. Parking dispensers accept debit/credit cards and cash in exact change.
Guest Parking Permits
Order Your Guest Parking Permit
Guest Parking permits may be used to park in any student lot (only) on campus. These lots include P3, P6, P7, and P8.
Guest Permit Cost: $5/day
(Add 2.75% processing fee for all debit and credit card transactions.)
Any visitor, vendor, and/or special guest requiring access to the Bakersfield College campus interior must check-in with College Safety. On the main Panorama campus, College Safety is in Administration (southeast entrance).
If your college business requires you to park in a staff parking lot, please ask your point of contact at BC to connect with College Safety to review the request. Comped parking in student or staff lots is extremely limited and is not guaranteed.
Bakersfield College vendors may purchase a Guest Permit to park in any student lot on campus. Vendors may also request a promo code to cover the cost of Guest Permit fees. Each request is unique and will be subject to college approval. To submit a request, contact College Safety at or (661) 395-4554.
Swim Guests
Swim guests from Bakersfield Aquatics Club, Kern High School District, and other groups, may purchase a semester student permit at the standard semester cost. This permit is valid in student lots only.
To order this permit, you must first contact College Safety at or (661) 395-4554 and provide the following:
- First name
- Last name
- Driver's license number
Our staff will assist you with your purchase.
Swim guests from Bakersfield Aquatics Club, Kern High School District, and other groups, may purchase a semester student permit at the standard semester cost. This permit is valid in student lots only.
To order this permit, you must first contact College Safety at or (661) 395-4554 and provide the following:
- First name
- Last name
- Driver's license number
Our staff will assist you with your purchase.
Events Parking
Traffic and parking regulations will be enforced at all times. Parking permits are required to park in Bakersfield College parking lots at all times. This also applies to college-approved events parking.
If your event requires parking accommodations, please coordinate the details with Events Management. Parking accommodations will require a funding account (FOAPAL) and will be billed to the department or area facilitating the event. Events parking permit costs are charged $5 per permit, per day.
Parking accommodations for event guests should be approved by Events Management and College Safety before advertisement. Each request is unique, but Events Management and College Safety will work to provide a parking solution. This may include access to Visitor, Vendor, & Special Guest permits, reserved parking, and/or other parking accommodations.
Child Development Center (CDC)
At the main Panorama campus, 20-minute CDC parking is available in front of the CDC building. This area is not available as standard visitor or guest parking.
Disabled Person Parking
Bakersfield College is committed to suitable parking for those with Disabled Person Placards or Disabled Person License Plates. These placards and license plates are issued by the State of California. See the California Department of Motor Vehicles Disabled Person Parking Placards and License Plates page.
Disabled Person Parking is available in every Bakersfield College campus parking lot, except P9. Spaces are marked in blue with the signage of the International Symbol of Access (wheelchair symbol).
Any person displaying a valid Disabled Person Placard or Disabled Person License Plate may park in Disabled Person Parking spaces without a Bakersfield College parking permit. If all Disabled Person Parking stalls are full, you may park in any student or staff parking lot by displaying both a valid Bakersfield College parking permit and a valid Disabled Person Placard or Disabled Person License Plate.
Misuse of Disabled Person Placards or Disabled Person License Plates may result in parking citations (with substantial fines), administrative disciplinary action, and/or seizure of misused placard/license plate, as defined by the California Vehicle Code.
Parking violations are set by the State of California and other applicable local, State, and Federal laws. Citations for violations can be issued at any time.
Violation | Fine |
Permit Not Displayed | $35.00 |
Disabled Person Placard Not Displayed | $275.00 |
Parked Over Zone Time Limit | $35.00 |
Parked in Red Zone | $35.00 |
Paying A Citation
Payments on citations issued by Bakersfield College must be paid within 21 days of the date of the citation. Not adhering to the time frame may result in immediate action, including additional penalties, a lien hold placed on your vehicle registration, vehicle impounding/immobilization, or other actions allowable by law.
To pay your citation visit the Parking Management Bureau webpage You will need the citation number and the time the citation was issued or the license plate number of the vehicle. Payments can be made with a debit or credit card.
Appeals for parking citations issued by Bakersfield College must be submitted within 21 days of the date of the citation at . Bakersfield College has no obligation to respond to appeals received more than 21 days after the date of the citation.
To appeal a citation, visit the Parking Management Bureau webpage. You will have the opportunity to submit supporting documents with your appeal.